To Moulana Nana

Greater and more important than our connection with South Africa should be the concern for our connection with Allah Ta'aala and the Mubarak sunnah of Hz Rasululaah ﷺ.

We should love all the scholars who uphold the Deen & Sunnah of Rasululaah ﷺ in prosperity and adversity, for indeed they are the true scholars . As for those "scholars" who engage in bidah eg. social distancing masking etc they deserve no respect. I am not saying this this is the Mubarak verdict of Hz Rasululaah ﷺ
وكل بدعة ضلالة وكل ضلالة في النار
Regarding this eminent scholar who brands the so called "scholars" with titles of munafiq, deviants etc. He is branding them with

the same titles given to them by the Mubarak ayaat of Quran and ahaadith of Hz Rasululaah ﷺ

Double standards
You complain about him using derogatory titles for so called "scholars" where was your rebuke for Moulana Taha when he penned a derogatory poem against this esteemed Eminent Friend of Allah? Or is it that you selectively rebuke.mute when it is your ilk doing the abuse and rebuke when it is against your ilk.

Regarding the hadith لا تسبوا الاموات
It being quoted in this context indicates the shallow understanding the writer possesses of the mubarak ahadith.

Imaam Bukhari r.a brought this hadith under the tarjamat ul baab باب ما ينهي من سب الاموات
The commentators explain here that this tarjama indicates that in certain circumstances it will be permissible to mention the wrongs of the deceased even if he is a Muslim. They cite the examples of a faasiq and a bidati and a few others .

The deceased here didn't differ on a secondary issue rather he differed with the jumhoor ummat ( Ulama of 13 centuries) on a fundamental issue ie.salaah which came to us from the 4 imaams with an unbroken chain.nowhere in the annals of history have we seen in a pandemic such draconian protocols implemented despite the body count being much higher than covid pandemic .
He went to court to close 200 masaajid an unprecedented action in the 1400 year history of islam.see attached court document.

On the other hand this Eminent Scholar Hazrath Moulana Ahmad Saadiq Saheb hafizahullah who you have issues with stood alone and fought tooth and nail to keep the +- 200 houses of Allah open when everyone else was cowering in their homes out of fear for a virus.

Secret followers
His followers are not secret they openly support him not because of any personal reasons. They support him because he is on haq and leaves no stone unturned when it comes to the truth and its propagation. You will be verbally attacked because those that defend him are actually defending the truth.

May Allah Ta'aala keep the shade of Hazrath Moulana Ahmad Saadiq Desai Saheb
(حفظه الله ورعاه)
over us for many years to come