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I know that zakaat should be paid annually, so I usually pay my zakaat on 22 Zul Hijjah every year. This year, I wish to pay my zakaat in Ramadhaan. Is this permissible, even though one full year has not passed, or do I have to wait until 22 Zul Hijjah again?
It is permissible to discharge the zakaat in advance, provided one has the nisaab. Hence, it is permissible for you to discharge your zakaat in Ramadhaan. However, your zakaat date will still remain 22nd Zul Hijjah and will not change to Ramadhaan. You should ensure that you make a note of the amount you discharge during Ramadhaan or at any other time of the year so that when you calculate your zakaat on your zakaat date, you will know whether you had discharged less or more. If you had discharged less, then you should give the amount that is outstanding.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Zakaria Makada
Checked & Approved:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
A brother asks:Zakaat eg.R10 000 is due. He has discharged the full amount R10 000. Can he now give zakaat towards next Zakaat period in advance?
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
He can do so, but when Zakaat is due the next year he has to calculate his assets then and if he paid short, the difference must be discharged. However, if he paid extra then it will be regarded as voluntary sadaqah.
Jamiatul Ulama Johannesburg
Answer 2
Yes he may give zakaat in advance. When that year ends he should work out if his zakaat due for the year was more than what he paid, if so he has to pay the shortfall. If no then he doesn't pay extra.
Reference: Bahishti Zewar
Issued by: Mufti Farhaan Karani
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