(Shaikhul Hadith of Daarul Uloom Azaadville)

The following is a translation from the Urdu letter of Naseehat which Maulana Fazlur Rahmaan Sahib wrote to Maulana Abbaas Ali Jeena, the president of JUSA:

Bismillaahir  Rahmaanir Raheem
14 Rajab 1433 – 5 June 2012

Respected Janaab Maulana Abbaas Ali Jeena Sahib  and the executive members of the Jamiat (Daamat baraakatuhum),

I hope that you all are fine. You had requested naseehat from me, hence you  had desired to meet me. Insha'Allah, we shall meet. However, before meeting, I wish to present  some issues to you. 'I intend nothing but islaah (rectitude/reformation) as much as I am able to. And, my taufeeq is only with Allah. On Him do I repose trust and unto Him to I turn."

(1)  Islamic Schools: Many Ulama-e-Kiraam are  the Ameer and patrons of Muslim and Islamic schools. There is no arrangement of Shar'i purdah at these schools. But this is not impossible. There are some schools by way of model in this country. Therefore, arrangement should be made for it (i.e. for observance  of purdah).

(2)  Makaateeb and Madaaris:  In some places there  is no purdah arrangement even in the Madaaris and Makaateeb. Although these institutions are not under the Jamiatul Ulama, nevertheless Ulama related to  the Jamiat are running these institutions. This  will have an adverse effect on the Jamiat.

(3)  Radio Islam: I am opposed to the programs conducted by women. Before it was heard that women will not be  brought (on to the radio). However, a fatwa of permissibility had arrived, and along with it have the women arrived.

A fatwa for the permissibility of TV will also be acquired. What? Does the Jamiat contemplate initiating  a TV station?

(Note: This letter was written on 5 June. The fatwa of permissibility for T.V came later. Not long before this Movi Ravat of Radio Islam spoke strongly against Television and then dis a U-Turn- Qalamul Haq)

A fatwa for the permissibility of interest (riba) will also be acquired. What! Will that (riba) also be made permissible? Women are coming to the Muslim schools without Hijaab. What? will they then not appear on TV? This too is another danger.

(4)  Secular Education:  The Jamiat is narrating numerous fadhaa-il (virtues) of secular education. It appears that the education of  (secular) schools and  of the Madaaris are (now) on par. However, the reality is that the fadhaa-il of Knowledge which are extolled in the Qur'aan and Hadith refers to Divine Wahi (Revelation from Allah Ta'ala). Secular (worldly)  education pertains to (mundane) professions which are required for facilitating worldly  needs. There are  no virtues and encouragement narrated for this (i.e. secular education). Undoubtedly, Muslim society needs secular education. The majority of the Ummah is in fact inclined to it .

People are sending their sons and daughters to colleges and universities, and they are sending their children in contravention of the Shariah. Much moral corruption has  ensued as a consequence of the intermingling of boys and girls.. Approximately 90% of the boys and girls are engaged in the acquisition of secular education, and in the Darul Ulooms there are perhaps 10%. (It is far less tha this – Qalamul Haq)).

 There is a need for reformation in it.  There is no need for encouraging secular education. Secular education may be acquired  within the confines of the Shariah.

(5)  The Ulama and Universities:  The Ulama are being encouraged to  go to universities. We are opposed to this. This (i.e. university education) is only for worldly benefit. There is no benefit for the Deen in it. Mingling with females occur at universities. As a consequence of the relationship with the Yahood and Nasaara, laxity  in the Deen and apologetism are created (at university). If one (i.e. the university student) does not have a relationship with Da'wat or with a Buzrug, there is the danger of  deviation.

People such as Rushi are spawned by universities. We have observed that our Buzrugs had always detested this. The example of Mufti taqi Uthmaano  (madda zilluhu) is a rare case. The functions of the UIlama are Da'wat, Ta'leem and Tazkiya (i.e. Reformation of the Nafs). These are the functions of the Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

(6)  SANHA:  There are doubts regarding SANHA. After going to the abattoir it was observed that the method of slaughtering cattle was not reliable. (it was devoid of confidence). For this reason the Mufti over here forbids (consumption) of  SANHA certified beef. People have apprized  (us) of this.

Prior to Thabah (slaughter), a bullet is shot (into the head of the animal) If Thabah is not effected immediately, the animal will die. Most of the slaughterers are Muslim in name. They are not persons of the Deen. SANHA's supervisors are not always present, and the one who shoots the bullet is not a Muslim.
Once I had the occasion of visiting SANHA's office. I observed a woman in attendance. All the those being served (by the female) were Ulama-e-Kiraam.

(7)  Television: Hitherto, people (i.e. Muslims) are viewing television with trepidation. After the appearance of the Ulama of the Jamiatul Ulama on TV, people will become audacious. This (i.e. television) is such an instrument of immorality and evil over which control cannot be exercised. There are many examples of this in the Shariah. We are opposed to it (i.e. to television and the Ulama appearing thereon).  In such a scenario even  a superficial   post of responsibility is unacceptable.

(8)  The Error of the Awards: Most assuredly, the Ulama who had gone to collect the awards had erred. If they were aware that this would be the state of affairs (at the awarding ceremony), then there was no scope for attending.

Waleemah is Sunnat. However, to attend the Waleemah at such kind of function, especially for the Ulama, is not permissible. How then could it be permissible to attend for collecting awards?

If they (the Ulama) had  gone by error, then they should have presented an explanation, viz., Insha'Allah, in future this will not again happen. But, those who had attended are not prepared for this. These awards have no (beneficial) effect on the broadcasting of radio islam. What affinity to these non-Muslims have  with Islamic service? There merely gave the awards because their machinery is being used. In my opinion these steps  are the introduction to great damage. People will see in the future what all will happen. May Allah Ta'ala save us from  Fitnah. Fitnah emerge from the Ulama and the Fitnah will rebound on them. May Allah Ta'ala protect us.  Was-salaam