Maulana Bham and JUSA love to lull the masses into a deception so that they can have scope to still push the agenda that they have been recruited to push.

For this he employs master diversion tactics,we have pointed out how he uses incidents out of context to try and bolster his Agenda.

This time he appealed to anonymity and to try and purposely make the matter political, the objective of making matters political is to automatically switch people's minds off to the valid criticism that is directed at him and JUSA.

He also claimed that no one wants to meet and discuss, which is a blatant lie,numerous individuals have contacted Maulana Bham and his Jamiat to meet with them yet they do not follow through.

These issues are diversions from the reality.

The Akaabir and now even lay men and numerous Ulama do not have personal beef with JUSA,the matters being brought up are clear cut, concrete and serious issues,the matter of interfaith prayers and intermingling has been ignored time and time again.

It is Maulana Bham and his Agenda that has forced the likes of Maulana Abdul Hamid saaheb and Mufti Salejee Saaheb to speak out,they are well established and do not have any personal gain in exposing the clear cut Haraam issues.

Anyone is free to write to any darul uloom and enquire regarding the activities and one would receive a standard response of the issues being problematic, even if a person does not mention JUSA and enquires regarding interfaith prayer,intermingling and promoting soccer and TV all will recieve a response of impermisibility,how does this fit in to the personal agenda or beef card of Maulana Bham?

Instead of trying to brainwash to masses to believe all objections to the Jamiat and Maulana Bham are political and Ego driven,he should rather take the time to answer the questions posed on these issues