After attempting on numerous occasions to contact UUCSA (in particular JUSA) members to no avail, we are constrained to issue public Naseehat to its members.

We offer this Naseehat in good spirit and with hope that it's senior and junior members take heed.

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To: Ulama of UUCSA and all their affiliates and members

The recent discussion on Radio Islam was rather disturbing. Many took to writing in strong terms against Moulana Raghie and JUSA, and even Ulama who are normally silent in public matters felt that they had to release statements, as the facts presented were incorrect and that much was left out in the matter of the controversy.

The Jamiatul Mu’mineen of South Africa took a Mashwarah and decided that it would be best to engage in a communication rather than the current norm of both parties (UUCSA/JUSA and those against their stance) making public statements. So, we wrote a private letter. But after receiving no response or acknowledgement, we decided to write this open letter.

Some of our members have in the past tried to correspond and even have discussion with JUSA, but we never received any reply. On the one occasion they did, they were ignored shortly thereafter. Other letters also get no response.


Firstly, let us offer you our Naseehat.

In life Allah Ta'ala demonstrates his control time and time again in subtle ways in order for us to contemplate and return to him.

When such situations arise, we either boil over with a realization that drives us to a state of submission, or we dive further into the realms of darkness due to the hardening of the heart.

One justification becomes two and we slide to a point of no return.

From the beginning of existence itself the tone was set with Allah Ta'ala demonstrating the contrast between Aadam alaihis salaam and Shaytaan.

There would be those who fully and wholly submit to Allah and the system he has set, and there would be those who would adopt the part of justification and would be used as tools to push the Shaytaani and Dajjali agenda.

This, as predicted in ahadith, would filter down into the rank and file of the Ulama, who would either adopt the path of the Bani Israeel and their twisting, turning and manipulating, or those leading the Ummah to the true core of submission and Aakhirat.

Now, we trust that even you yourself can perceive the gradual degeneration. The power of Allah had been displayed time and time again.

When the Musjid issue had taken a drastic turn against JUSA, that was the first demonstration of the power of Allah Ta’Ala and now that the current radio technique has blown up, this has further demonstrated that regardless of the planning, it is only Allah Rabbul Izzat that is in control.

Have you ever considered that all of you and your current hierarchy could merely be tools to further the Signs of the hour either by choice or unwittingly?

Did it ever strike you that perhaps it is not your planning that is causing things to go forward, but it is the Divine hand being played and moving one towards a place of no return?

We all can see the downward spiral. We all can see and realise that a time is coming when some "Maslihat" would be found and justified to unite with LGBT and there will be those that would eventually play into that agenda when the governments push for such. How far are you willing to take this?

Remember, we are all returning to that Allah who has created you and us and to the Qabr that we all will ultimately lie in.

There, no amount of eloquence will save us.

This is merely a reminder which is all that can be done from our side. Your reaction will play a role in judging the eventual outcome. This is just another crossroad from the many crossroads which come in our lives. While Taqdeer must and will play out, it is our decisions and choices that will decide our eternal fate in Aakhirat.

Wallah, there is no disgrace in making mistakes. It is on all of us to rectify those mistakes with Taubah and with Inabaat Billah.

We may impress and win over the goverments of the world but what will be our state when we die and Allah is displeased?

We invite you to make the changes that you know in your heart of hearts needs to be made.

We make Dua that Allah opens all hearts.

We send this letter with sincerity, good hopes for the Ummat and keeping in mind the words in Allah Rabbul Izzat’s Kalaam e Paak:

"And speak to him with gentle speech that perhaps he may be reminded or fear Allah.” (Quraan)

Was salaam

Abdus Sathaar Syed

Jamaitul Mu’mineen of South Africa

Secretary General (Mutakallim)

061 756 5356

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