Bringing Barakat into Our Lives

Bringing Barakat into Our Lives

Ikhlaas and Allah’s name

Purify your intention to earn your income for Allah’s sake, to provide for your family, to avoid borrowing and asking from others, and to do good works for others. Before doing anything, form the habit of reciting Bismillah, even for the most mundane tasks.

Avoid interest in all forms as much as possible

Refrain from using or paying interest and all other forms of Riba. Riba removes Barakat and brings War from Allah on those involved in it.


Make Shukr to Allah much. Allah tells us that if we thank him for anything, He will increase what we thank Him for, for us.


Sadaqa does not decrease wealth, but rather Allah has kept increase and goodness in it for the giver.


Apart from the Salaat being Fard, it also brings Barakat in life and is a source for making our earnings easy.

Recite Qur’an in Our homes

Reciting Surah al-Waqi’ah daily prevents poverty and brings Barakat to the home. A home wherein there is much Tilaawat of Quraan has Barakat and things are made easier for its household. We must set aside some time every day for some tilaawat.

Be obedient and respectful to your parents

This cannot be overstressed. And brings much Barakat in life. Request Duas from parents. If they have passed on, make Dua for them and be good to their close friends.

Keep up family ties and do good to relatives

Maintaining family ties and keeping good relations with family also brings Barakat in our lives.

Start working in the early part of the day

Become productive after Fajr and do not sleep through the early part of the day. There is much Barakat in this early part of the day for the Ummat of Nabi Alayhis Salaam

Eating together

Today families generally eat apart of from separate utensils. Eat together and share utensils. This will bring Barakat in our food and create love in the family.

Invite the pious to eat from your food

We should from time to time invite people of Taqwa to share our meals. This also brings Barakat in our life.


We cannot do without Istighfaar in out lives as we commit so much of sin. So we must make a habit of making Istighfaar and set aside time, even a few minutes every day, solely for this puropose. But an added benefit through Allah’s mercy is that  Isthigfaar throughout the day brings Barakat in our Rizq.


We must ask Allah for all our needs no matter how small or mundane it may seem. We should set aside a few minutes every day to make Dua with concentration (mostly individually and sometimes togetheras a family) 


These are a few things that will Insha Allah bring barakat in our lives. In short, if we adopt Taqwa (Consciousness Of Allah), we find Barakat in our health, time, wealth, children and our life in general.

May Allah grant us, the reader and the Ummat at large Barakat and Tawfeeq to do the things that invite Barakat in our lives.