Fiction or Non Fiction, You Choose!

Fiction or Non Fiction, You Choose!

Whenever a claim is made, that claim will be tested. The making of statements is very easy. But once that statement is made, be prepared for the testing of the veracity of that statement.

This, too, is Allah Ta'ala's system when claims are made in His Name. Your Imaan will be tested. Your Love for Him will be tested. Your Love for His Beloved Rasool Sallalahu Alayhi wasallam will be tested. Your Love for His Deen will be tested.

When a person claims that he stands for Haq, then that stance will definitely be tested. Haq is no small, insignificant or trivial concept that can be twisted, manipulated or dissected.
There is no grey area in Haq. It is not some genre in the entertainment field.

When a person claims to be from the people of Haq, then his life is not a library with sections for Fiction and Non Fiction. His life is only Haq! Even if he does not adhere 100% due to his weaknesses and shortcomings, his being on Haq will still shine through. He will not make excuses for his follies and mistakes. He will never try to "explain away" a baatil/false concept using the Tools of Haq, Quraan and Sunnah to try and give it an "Islamic Flavour".

Even in conditions of utter helplessness and overwhelming oppression, he NEVER sways. He will take that condition, even in the face of death, but NEVER will he allow any deficiency to tarnish Haq!

This you see in the lives of our pious predecessors. Imprisonment, Torture, Boycotts, and even Executions and Murder, yet their service to Haq remained. At times, they were tested withe ill-health, loss of limb, loss of eyesight and even deadly diseases. BUT Haq was always upheld.
No Compromise must ever come to reduce the purity of Deen. This is what they lived for. Handing themselves over to Allah Ta'ala in totality. Presenting their weaknesses with Repentance in His Court, they unflinchingly accepted every test of Imaan, putting their heads down and plodded on in the service of Haq.

Today too, you will find such individuals. They may even be in the minority. Yet, with every test upon them, they refuse to compromise.

After all, this is what they have learnt from the Beloved Master Sallalahu Alayhi wasallam. He went through every trying condition a human could be tested with, but he remained a True Abd of Allah Ta'ala. He passed on this to the Noble Sahaba Radhiyallahu anhum. Their unwritten but lived motto was "How is it possible that a deficiency come to Deen, while I am alive?"

So, when you hear or see any test in any form coming upon any Servant of Deen, and shaitaan whispers to you that he is being punished, or you have this urge to say, "we told you so!" Or even worse, "you secretly harbour a hope of some difficulty coming upon a servant of Deen, to prove a point, THINK again!

This is merely a servant of Haq being tested by His Rabb in his stance for Haq. One telling proof will be his continuance of efforts despite his challenges. Despite illness, weakness, loss of health, wealth or family, he is still lifting the Banner of Haq.
An unfavourable condition upon himself will never allow him to change any part of Deen. Because He is of the People of Haq!

It is such people that you should seek out to help you along the Path to Your Aakhirah. Even if you are not strong enough, or you have a zillion weaknesses within, the least you can do as a favour unto yourself is support, make dua and acknowledge them. BUT NEVER ever go against them, not in action, word or even thought...for these are the True Friends of Allah Ta'ala and Allah Ta'ala is fiercely protective of His Friends, to the point of declaring war against anyone seeking to harm His Friends!

May Allah Ta'ala accept us all for Haq.
May Allah Ta'ala accept us all for His Deen while He is pleased with us.
May Allah Ta'ala grant us His Friendship and Love.
May Allah Ta'ala grant us True Love for Our Beloved Nabi Sallalahu Alayhi wasallam, The Sahaba and all those who Allah Ta'ala Loves.
May Allah Ta'ala grant us Maghfirah.


اللهم ارنا الحق حقا وارزقنا اتباعه وارنا الباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابه

Abu Uthmaan