Understanding Why Television is Haraam


In the words of Moulana Yunus Patel Saheb Rahmatullahi Alai the greatest sin of our time is justification of sins.
In the age we are living in we are exposed to and involved in many many sins. ALLAH has left the door of forgiveness open as he understands we would commit sins because he has created us. Now, in order for us to seek forgiveness and try to abstain from the sins that we are involved in, the first step is to acknowledge that we are committing a sin. When we justify a sin and do not accept a sinful action as being sin, we will never ask for forgiveness for that sin. So acknowledgement of sin is the first step towards asking forgiveness.
Now how do we justify sin? We search the QURAAN and hadith for technicalities. The saddest part of this route is that the learned ulama that we trust are guilty of this. We ourselves who quite frankly do not understand even rulings of essentials of Salah search for these technicalities. Another common response which is not very logical is as follows. A person tells us that pictures are haraam. We will respond by saying something like, so is smoking is also haraam and Muslims smoke etc. How can one sin justify the commission of another sin!
Television is not haraam in the same way as a DVD player is not haraam, a computer is not haraam and a phone is not haraam etc. It is the content and what it is used for that may make it haraam. A DVD player can be used to play QURAAN and naaths but can also be used to watch pornography. It is what you are doing with the DVD player that may be haraam and not the DVD player itself. We are creating a pattern of thought and trust that the reads get it.
Just as alcohol is haraam, pork is haraam and music is haraam, pictography and picture making of human, animals and moving animate object is also haraam. The reason that television is haraam is because it is used for picture making as described above. The DVD and other items and facilities maybe used for both halal and haraam. The television however is based on haraam picture making and as such for all practical purposes is haraam.
If one had to use an extreme and impractical argument that if a TV was used to see pictures of only inanimate objects then they will be correct in saying that such usage of TV is not haraam. But we are real people living in the real world and this argument would be foolish at the very least. A pub or bar is not haraam, it is the liquor sold in these establishments that are haraam and thus making the pub itself haraam. Similarly it is the pictography that makes television haraam.
This is the Haq in this matter. If we choose not to accept this Haq then we will never ask forgiveness for this sin and this is a dangerous situation indeed.

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