Aslam al-Qibti reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
“Let me not find one of you reclining on his couch, when a command or prohibition of mine comes to him and he says: I do not know, we only follow what we find in the Book of Allah.”
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2663
Ayoob Karim and his Quranist comparative religion body are a materializaton of the prediction above,the reality of the Quranist Liberal apostates (murtads) are that they are indoctrinated with a Liberal baseline for Morality,they therefore attempt to scuttle. away anything that Liberal morality would content with.
The only way to achieve such is to try and refute Ahadith content as the general nature of the Quran would allow them to bow down to their Liberal masters by offering their own Liberalised interpretation thereby making them "Muslim " by name but Liberal in practice.
What ignoramuses of this nature fail to understand is that when Allah took a promise to protect the Quran it cannot be that he solely promised to protect the word of the Quran and that its entire meaning and practice had been lost for 14 centuries by 99% of the Ummah until Ayoob karim came on the scene to correct such.
This would mean protecting the Word of the Quran to be futile.
Another aspect that apostate Ayoob Karim fails to understand is Attacking the Ahadith does not break Islam or Deen of Allah or whatever else the apostate ignoramus wishes to call it from its laws.
The laws of Shariah have been passed down the line through the Fuqaha who are direct students of the Sahabah Radiallahu anhum.Therefore if apostate Ayoob Karim and his Liberal organization would really want to scuttle away the Laws of Islam he would have to go up the line and discredit the Fuqaha and thereafter the Sahabah Radiallahu anhum,this however is not a trainsmash as we are quite sure he also discredits the Sahabah.
This would thus mean that Islam and Deen ullah as the jaahil calls it was lost even at the time of the companions of Nabi sallalahu alaihi wasallam, which would mean a complete failure of the mission of Nabi sallalahu alaihi wasallam and that 14 centuries later a jaahil who only studied comparative religion has gotten it right.
A simple way to Guage Ayoob karims mental instability and that of the Quranists is realizing the hallucinations of these fools by simply picturing the day of Qiyamah,wherein according to them the Sahabah, fuqaha,muhaditheen, the pious who had even been responsible for Ayoob Karim being a Muslim before becoming an apostate and every person who did anything productive for Islam historically would be on one side and Ayoob Karim and his modernist Liberal faction who "coincidentally" has the same objections towards Islam as the atheists and Liberalism in general would be on the other, and it would turn out that Ayoob Karim and his beardless modernist gang of the 21st century had been right and those that had been around when Revelation had come down and in the companionship of the messenger himself and their students all didn't understand Islam's reality.
Just as no sane person would take a mad man on the street speaking about medicine seriously,The Muslim community should take a stand against Ayoob Karim and Quranists hallucinations for what it is; mere hallucinations.